The Mentalism Principle
"Everything is Spirit, the Universe is mental." (Kybalion)
Spirit is the underlying essence of the physical universe. It is the inexplicable force we call God or Divine Providence. It has as many different names and parts as there are people who believe and worship higher forces. It includes the "Buddha void" and all the concepts we have used to form our religions. We are all parts of the mind of God or the Almighty. There is even a reference to the All as the mind of God while dreaming. Physical reality works because we are mental and are formed in the image of our creator. We are all present in dreams and in the mind of God, as is everything that makes up life and the physical universe. Man is mental and therefore a spiritual being by nature. The universe and all its forces and manifestations can be influenced by us in countless ways. We can shape our own future through our mental capacities. We are masters of ourselves and yet bound by our interaction with All. Matter, emotions and energy are all influenceable through our mental powers. Anyone can see this principle at work in all the inventions developed over the last century to improve our lives. If there were no thoughts, none of the inventions would have taken place and matter would have remained unchanged. This principle applies in the physical universe and the mental universe in the same way. We formulate what we want, plan and visualize how it would work or exist in our lives. Then we implement the mental plan. It works for inventions, materialization techniques, and everything that exists in our daily lives. Our mental capacities are what allow us to master our existence. Understanding the world and the creation we live in is part of the mind of God. Test this principle the next time you lose something. Affirm out loud and with great conviction: 'nothing is lost in the mind of God'. Focus on what is lost and see how quickly you find it.
Correspondence Principle
"What is above is also what is below, What is below is also what is above" (Kybalion)
It is one of the most important tools and shows us how much we can accomplish by using our inner mind and inner power. It allows us to penetrate into the secrets of all planes and helps us to create what we want to have in our lives. This principle shows that what we create here has an effect on the energies corresponding to our efforts. It helps us to attract good things from other planes of existence and manifest them on this plane. If your mind is in chaos, then your life will be in chaos. Your chaotic life will attract more chaos in your mind. You can change this situation by creating order in your life. Solving problems and creating solutions will attract order in your life. This can be done without even consciously thinking about the steps. People create things they want in other planes of existence all the time. Everyone has done this without realizing it. The planes have been documented over the centuries by many mystics and mediums. The spheres of influence describing the planes assigned to each planet are discussed in Kabbalah. The planes are used in all forms of magic. The real time plane is where our dreams and visualizations operate and where they can be brought into our lives. Any person can attract influences from anywhere within the All. It is a complex subject and there are many books that explain it. I suggest The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. You can create positive effects in your life by using these forces. You can visualize yourself with a river of prosperity flowing around you, overflowing with success, wealth and joy. Draw these things into your life from all other planes. See how quickly what you desire can manifest.
Vibration Principle
"Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates." (Kybalion)
This principle explains that the difference between matter, energy, mind/spirit is mainly that each vibrates at a different frequency. Modern science has demonstrated this principle by showing that everything is made up of particles in motion. Molecules, atoms and the like all spin and move endlessly, and this motion creates vibration. Physics has proven a centuries-old principle. This principle can be used to reshape a person's mental world because happiness, sadness and sorrow all have different vibrations and can be duplicated or eliminated. This is one way we can help ourselves with what we do unconsciously when we are inspired or moved by something that provokes an emotional response. We can transmute our experiences by changing our vibration to what we want to be. A person who is thriving and happy has a different vibration than one who is depressed and sad. We can influence the vibrations in our lives by raising or lowering the vibrational rate until it matches what a successful person manifests as vibration. To transmute something you don't want in your life, you should analyze what it is. When you get to the crux of it, think about its opposite that you want in your life. Then raise the vibration to the state you want it to exist in. An example is a depressed person thinking about happiness. He analyzes everything about happiness, then creates the energy of happiness and brings it into existence in his life, transposing it to this plane.
Polarity Principle
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has something opposite to itself; like and unlike are the same; contraries are opposites in nature; between them there is a difference only of degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes can be reconciled." (Kybalion)
This principle emphasizes the dual nature of everything. There are many proverbs and sayings related to this. For example, "there is a fine line between love and hate". If you place hatred at one end of the scale and love at the other end, you will then find in the middle an area where there is neither hate nor love. The more you move towards hate, the more turbulent the emotions. This is true in everything. We can find many opposites in our lives, for example Good and Evil. Ying and Yang is the oriental way to explain this principle. All extremes indicate the flow of opposites and how they are related to each other in our lives. This principle also shows how sometimes one is up or down, but usually ends up balancing the ups and downs. There would be no words to describe these different states or realize what they are without comparing them to each other. You can change things into their opposite by moving them up and down the scale. Poverty can be changed into wealth. Hatred into love. The examples are endless. It is a powerful aid used in conjunction with the other principles, especially Vibration principle and Rhythm. Combined, all three of these principles can help a person change their life. People don't believe that their success or their life can really change. They think they are trapped in cycles of suffering. You can undo these cycles and rebuild your whole life with enough patience and tenacity.
Rhythm Principle
"Everything flows out and flows in; everything has its ebb and flow; all things rise and fall; the swing of the pendulum is manifest in everything, the measure of the swing to the left is the measure of the swing to the right; because of rhythm, the one is compensated by the other. Rhythm compensates." (Kybalion)
This principle explains the truth that in everything there is a measured natural motion. Countless examples could be given to illustrate this principle. The periodic change of day and night, tides, seasons, opposite dispositions, epochs of revolutionary and revisionary, materialistic and spiritualistic views, etc. - all these are examples of the way in which this principle manifests itself in the phenomena of nature and in the life of mankind.
Understanding the principle of rhythm is of great practical importance. This principle is subject, as already indicated, to our moods and emotions. You have noticed, for example, that periods of high spirits are inevitably followed by periods of discouragement; periods of intense spiritual mental activity - periods when the soul seems to want to take a break from exertion, surrender to the impressions of the outer world, etc. Such periods of discouragement and spiritual laziness, so to speak, are often very dangerous, because during them access to our soul is open to various harmful influences which can greatly retard our spiritual growth. But if we have prepared ourselves in advance for their occurrence, thanks to the knowledge of the principle of rhythm, then we can take measures in advance to protect ourselves from the dangers that threaten us in such unfavorable periods. The fact is that although we cannot exempt ourselves from the power of the law of periodicity, we can nevertheless, by means of special techniques known to both Indian yogis and Western hermeticists, make the inevitable fluctuations of mood not so strong. Our true, spiritual "self" stands above all the inharmonic vibrations of the astral and mental planes of consciousness, and we must learn to identify ourselves with this spiritual center of ours and not with the waves of astral and mental vibrations flowing into our souls from without; As we realize this, we thus rise above all these influences, and acquire within ourselves, as it were, a spiritual fortress, whence we can safely, as an observer, contemplate the ebb and flow of dispositions and feelings, which arise in our souls according to immutable laws. This belongs to that branch of spiritual alchemy, or the hermetic art of transmutation, which has already been mentioned in the exposition of the principle of vibration.
Another manifestation of the principle of rhythm is the so-called law of compensation. In the Kybalion saying quoted above, this law is formulated in the words: "The measure of oscillation to the left is the measure of oscillation to the right; due to the rhythm, one is compensated by the other. Rhythm compensates."The manifestations of the operation of this law in the physical world are innumerable. One of the basic laws of mechanics, which says that action equals reaction, is just one of the ways in which the law of compensation works. A stone thrown upwards will, as it falls, develop a corresponding force acting in the opposite direction. The force used to compress a rubber ball is compensated by the force developed by its expansion. The chill of winter is compensated by the heat of summer, the rise of the water level at high tide is compensated by its fall at low tide, etc. The joyous uplifting of the spirit in high mystical experiences is compensated by the subsequent weariness, often leading to discouragement and gloomy pessimism, as just indicated. In the moral realm, the law of compensation manifests itself in the fact that every suffering brings with it a valuable experience for the soul, cleanses it, ennobles it, and promotes the development of higher spiritual abilities.
Principle of Causality
"Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, everything happens according to law. Chance is but a name for an unrecognized law. There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law." (Kybalion)
This principle is mentioned in the Bible and other holy books. Every cause has an effect. Every action has opposite but equal reactions etc. Every action you take in your life is both a cause and an effect. There is no such thing as chance, because that is only a part of the cause-effect principle that has not yet been identified. There are many planes of causation - as many as there are planes of consciousness, and if on the lower, material plane causation may seem to us merely blind fate, a regularity acting wholly mechanically, unconnected with any moral and spiritual purpose, then on a higher, spiritual plane of consciousness it becomes clear to us that such an idea of causation is just. Your choices impact your life and the lives of others, even if you have free will. You can choose your own path in life, but your actions along the way involve many causes and effects that will influence you both positively and negatively. Causes and effects are what life energy uses and how we develop as humans. We are on this earth to learn to do good. We make choices in our lives and learn from the effects of what happens as a result of those choices. The truth is that making choices, whether they are good or bad, and accepting responsibility for the results, is what makes our lives work. We just have to make the right choices for our lives to be what we want them to be.
Gender Principle
"There is a gender in all things; everything has its principles; masculine and feminine; gender manifests itself on all planes" (Kybalion)
The gender principle is also widely known. It manifests itself in the eternal struggle between good and evil. It is considered negative and positive, which are the two sides of gender in life. It is omnipresent. Everything has a feminine side, which is normally considered to have a negative nature, and a masculine side, which normally has a positive nature. It does not mean good or bad. It means that without these opposing patterns of thinking humanity would not exist. Everything has its opposite, manifested in different ways in this world. Gender manifests itself in all things. Everything embodies masculine and feminine. Most people associate this with gender. Sex shows the principle of gender, but it exists only on the physical plane. The gender principle manifests in many other ways in the other planes. Demons and angels are a religious example. They are two sides of the same energy. Demons are "fallen angels", but they are still angels. One is good and one is evil. One is negative and one is positive. Everything and nothing is a philosophical example. Nothing is the exact opposite of everything. Everything and nothing are a duality and are also opposites at the same time. The gender principle is useful for comparison in spirituality and in our world. Feminine energies are good for creation and masculine energies are good for control. The gender principle is used as part of our thought process every day. We use the gender principle when we create something that is feminine. The energy then becomes masculine when we build and implement the creation. It becomes masculine because we assert control over our creativity. Both forces are necessary in life and in everything we do in this world. Everyone has both a feminine and a masculine side. Everyone has both forces within them. Everyone also uses this principle unknowingly every day of their lives.
The image of the article was taken from here:
In the article I have also included information that was taken from the book Kybalion - Sacred Knowledge: Seven Universal Principles of Hermetic Philosophy