Energy Therapy

Restoring your connection with Divine Source

In a state of gratitude and absolute trust in the unlimited healing ability that Source offers us, I access and establish a direct flow of energies from Divine Spirit to you for your benefit.
Terapie Energetica Victor Catalin

The art of mystical healing is the highest form of spiritual healing. It works primarily with the First Light born of Akasha; the energy of the Divine Spirit. It takes a refined, mature soul with a true spiritual attitude and a deep connection with the Divine to transmit the highest healing energy in cooperation with the spiritual realms.
Healing with Divine Spirit is always a cause of Divine Love and Compassion. The Energy corresponds to the number 1, Unity and the Primordial Source. It initially deals with the highest level of the human microcosm, with the core of his being, where these energies descend from the highest planes to realize effects on spirit, soul and body.

Through the assistance of the Higher Self and the cooperation of the spiritual realms and higher beings, I will transmit these energies to provide support, energetic clearing, release, healing, forgiveness, enlightenment, protection, success, well-being, blessings, etc. Of course, other energies may also be called upon and utilized in this state of oneness, depending on your current needs.

In a state of gratitude and absolute trust in the unlimited healing ability that Source offers us, I access and establish a direct flow of energies from Divine Spirit to you for your benefit.

Each session involves my energy as a channeling therapist and the higher spiritual spheres. Your participation, your attitude, your intention and awareness of the goal set in any session will contribute to the best results.

The need for healing is a call to action. It is always about your attention and commitment to positive change.

Pranic Healing Victor Catalin

Pranic Healing is an energy therapy technique that focuses on cleansing and energizing the body through breathing, meditation and visualization. This technique was developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, who studied various healing techniques and spiritual philosophies from around the world for many years.

Pranic Healing can help treat many health problems. The technique can also be useful for treating emotional problems such as anxiety, stress or depression. Pranic Healing can also be used for preventative purposes to improve general health.

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